Houston Endowment Headquarters International Design Competition

First stage response

Please note this form will close at 10:00 CDT / 16:00 GMT+1 Monday 15 July 2019. Please allow plenty of time to complete your upload prior to the deadline – submissions cannot be accepted once the deadline has passed. If you are experiencing difficulties with this form, please visit our FAQ. Please read the Search Statement document for full details before entering.

Project Understanding, Approach and Outline Concept

Please upload your response to Project Understanding and Approach – as a single PDF (max 15MB).

Relevant Experience

Please upload your response to Relevant Experience – as a single PDF (max 15MB).

Team Composition (Relevant Skills)

Please upload your response to Team Composition (Relevant Skills) – as a single PDF (max 15MB).

Application Form

Please upload your response to Application Form. Your response should be one combined PDF file (max 5 MB), based on the template provided.

Media Images

Up to four images as JPEGs (max 5 MB each).

Media Statement

Please enter your response to the Media Statement. 150 words