
The £140m City Garden Project will radically transform a strategic central location, raising the nineteenth-century Union Terrace Gardens and covering over the unattractive Denburn dual carriageway and railway line.

It will create a space that draws on Aberdeen’s heritage but is also an inspiration for the future. A space which local people like, which they use to meet up and pop through – just for the pleasure of it. A space which appeals to visitors as somewhere to take the air, absorb different aspects of the local culture and enjoy a fascinating skyline.

The site, six hectares in area, will provide a safe, all-year round, civic garden that reflects Aberdeen’s success and international status. It should integrate the Union Street retail and business thoroughfare with the cultural attractions of an existing theatre and art gallery whilst providing the context for a new contemporary arts centre.

It’s an opportunity to create a new dynamic – re-connecting and revitalising different areas of the city.