Powerhouse Precinct at Parramatta International Design Competition

First stage response

Please note this form will close at 22:00 AEDT / 11:00 GMT Monday 18 March. Submissions will not be accepted after this date. 

Please note that the form supports desktop uploads only; it will not be possible to upload from a mobile or tablet device. If you are experiencing difficulties with this form, please visit our FAQ. If this does not answer your query, please contact us with the details of your upload attempt. You must alert us of any difficulties prior to the competition deadline.

The offices of Malcolm Reading Consultants (MRC) will be closed over the weekend of 16 and 17 March. MRC will be available to respond to any queries on Monday 18 March from 06:00 GMT / 17:00 AEDT, and will respond to all queries received in a timely manner. 

Project understanding and approach

Please upload your response to Q1 Understanding/Response to Brief and Outline Approach to the Requirements of the Project and Design Excellence. Your response should be one combined pdf (maximum 15MB).

Relevant experience

Please upload your response to Q2 Relevant Experience. Your response should be one combined pdf (maximum 15MB).

Team composition

Please upload your response to Q3 Team Composition (Relevant Skills). Your response should be one combined pdf (maximum 15MB).

Selection/Compliance Questionnaire and Entrant Declaration Form

Please upload your response to completed Selection / Compliance Questionnaire (Appendix A to the Search Statement) and the Entrant Declaration Form (Appendix B). You should combine your response into a single pdf (maximum 5MB).

Media statement

Please enter your response to the Media Statement. 150 words

Past project images

Please upload two jpeg images of past projects, indicating your first and second choice (maximum 5 MB per image).


Please upload two jpeg images of the lead designers from your team (maximum 5 MB per image).